Advantages of Above-Ground Polyethylene Water Tanks

Above-ground water tanks are very common products for harvesting rain for both portable and non-portable usage. They can also be used for grain harvesting, fire protection, disaster preparation, and irrigation systems. This type of tank simply installs on top of the ground for easy access. Here are some advantages to using above-ground water tanks.

Save Money

One of the biggest advantages to using above-ground water tanks is their affordability. They are not as expensive as other types, such as fiberglass, metal, or concrete. Those types add on the labor of construction or simply cost more money in general.


Above-ground tanks provide the convenience of being portable so you can move them from one location to another as desired. However, water holds a lot of weight so it would need to be emptied before moving it. You may find that another location on the property will capture more water or will make grain harvesting more convenient.

Easy Access

Having an above-ground water tank makes it easier to access for just about any reason. If it requires repair or needs replaced due to age or wear and tear, you don't have to dig up the ground or hassle with locating the tank or hitting a pipe. If an accessory needs replaced, it is easily available. This can include replacing a valve, the first-flush or potable-water screening devices, etc. It is also easier to move since it is on top of the ground.

In addition, an above-ground water tank is easier to clean, especially since it is routinely required for potable water systems.

Energy Efficiency and Reusing Natural Resources

Because you can use an above-ground water tank for rainwater collection, it saves energy by reducing the usage of electrical components that pump and filter water, which cities have to use to deliver water to residences. Even if you do not collect the water for drinking, it can be used for cleaning, watering agriculture or plants, etc. Basically, you are reusing natural resources and saving energy in the process.


Polyethylene tanks are a dependable solution for above-ground water collection, as well as grain storage. They can handle various chemicals, fuels, and oils so water and grain storage options are no problem. They carry the strength and durability needed for years of operation and handle the draining and filling of liquids with ease. In other words, they won't expand and contract as much as other materials that experience the various levels of water at various points in time.

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