5 Reasons To Work Online And Travel

The World is your office - Let me explain, science proves that travel is the secret to happiness. Not a shocking revelation I admit but still people get paid to study this stuff. A recent report from Cornell University found that spending your hard earned cash on an "experience" rather than "material objects" brings you lasting happiness.

If traveling makes you smarter and happier then why are we sitting at our desks planning the next escape.

More and more people are becoming aware of the saying "Laptop Lifestyle" but what does it really mean?..to me it means being able to work when you want and from where you want. Wouldn't we all love to wake up each morning with a passion for life, excitement for our business, a driving desire to see and experience the world, learn about new cultures and embark on exciting adventures.

5 Reasons To Work Online And Travel - Explained..

1. You have the freedom to work from anywhere that has WiFi.

You just have to find a strong connection and get working. In today's world, communicating around the globe has never been easier because of apps like Skype, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

Not only does this help you stay in touch with friends back home, but it also allows you to quickly and efficiently work remotely with clients. Google Hangouts allows you to discuss a new project or video chat via Skype for a "personal" meeting.

2. Your client pool is the world itself.

The world is now your client pool. With the click of a button, you can expand your reach and access clients around the globe. There are now 1 billion people on Facebook every day, someone somewhere will need or want your product.

The possibilities are truly endless you just need vision and an entrepreneurial spirit.

3. You have the flexibility to travel anywhere you want when you want.

Because your work isn't dependent on a physical location, you can book trips to your favorite place on earth without having to run it past your boss, arrange cover with your co-workers. You are the boss, you dictate your hours and terms of work!

As long as your clients are happy, you don't have to request time off to head out on your next adventure.

With your laptop in hand, your "office" possibilities are endless.

4. Your business expenses are minimal.

Running an online business means you have minimal overheads compared to running a large brick-and-mortar business.

All you need is your laptop and, depending on your industry, a few key tools to be in business. Working with an Affiliate partner is one of the easiest ways to start an Online business especially if like me you do not have your own product to sell. With an Affiliate marketing business, you advertise and sell other people's products earning a commission as you go.

5. Changing your environment will increase your productivity.

It's no secret that a "change is better than a rest" allowing ourselves to challenge our thinking, raise our productivity and reduce procrastination can only be good for us. Switching 8 hours of artificial light for the sunshine will boost your creativity, give you a new perspective and re-energize your workflow.

Working online gives you the luxury to choose your working environment daily.

If you've been thinking about ditching your day job to globe trot around the world (all while making money online), the above reasons will finally lead you to purchase your one-way ticket to freedom.

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