How to preparation for trading. Trading Pro

Preparation for Trading
Plan your trade and trade your plan. The first step in day “trading like a pro” is the preparation. This involves the financial tools to trade and strategies of best entry points, trade management, risks control and money management. No serious day trader will ever enter a trade without first checking the economic news. It is important to know the time and the day off all important economic news before considering entering a trade. Only careless traders disregard economic news. You can check economic at yahoo/finance and at MSN/Money you will to decide what to trade based on fundamentals or on technical analysis.

As a day trader, you will respect the opening bell of London at 3 am eastern time, 8 am London time and the new York opening bell at 9:30 am eastern time, 14:30 London time you will wait for the opening and closing bell before placing any order of trades. After The preparation, there are some steps for day “trading like a pro”
When you buy or sell when it is time to buy or sell at night place that is a win. On the other hand. when you sell or at the wrong time and at wrong place, that is a loss, the ability to make excellent decisions quickly and to decipher the language of the price or the language of the momentum indicators well allow a day trader to trade like a pro. Day trading is a serious competition similar to American Football or rugby. When one is booting another is selling. There for one should is right strategy for each trading challenge. Using trending strategies during trending period and range trading strategy during low volatility period.
Using indicators because indicators help you what is trend going one the reasons if traders fail in day trading is because the misuse or misunderstanding the indicators can ever replace the price the number of indicators.
The price is the universal language if all traders and dies not hide anything. Traders must keep their eyes wide open and try to understand what the price is relating. There are many indicators.
It is important to traders to learn to master every indicators that they are using and to become fluent in the language if the price. If one has to sell at every overbought slow stochastic and but at every oversold slow stochastic, the market will never trend
Trading must enjoyed and can be enjoyed bit the enjoyment does not come through passive and care less trading attitude. It will come through practice and understating

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